In 2017 we added a feature to emphasize min/max values in the outing report using different colors. A “wanted side effect” of this coloration is also the result determination of the lap/total values (lap values if a racetrack segmentation is used to evaluate the segment min/max values).
If a column is configured to show the minimum value, previous WinDarab versions used to show the “maximum value of the segment minimum values”, if both are emphasized by colorization. NOW the “total minimum” is used!
If a column is configured to show something else as the minimum value, the “maximum value of all sub values” was taken – this behaviour wasn’t changed.
Another issue was the setting dialog: The default color settings default to emphasize the maximum value – even if the column function “Minimum” is selected. Because it makes more sense to emphasize the total minimum it this case, we changed the settings dialog: Now the colors for Minimum and Maximum value are swapped, if no colorization is configured for the minimum value – and swapped back if the function is again changed to another function expect “Minimum”.