Working with Functions

Math functions can be saved in a folder in the File Explorer. In addition to the selected folder and its contents, the lower area of this window shows a summary of the most important information pertaining to a math function.

“As Default Folder“ Button

If you start the program WinDarab makes all functions saved to a specified folder available. To specify this folder select it from the directory and click on the “As Default Folder” button.

“Sub-Folder“ Option

Activating this button makes all formulae contained in the default folder as well as those contained in the sub-folders available.

“Make Available” Button

If you would like to make a math function available you will have to do this explicitly. This button is not active when the math function has already been made available.


This button enables you to create a report that contains all the settings for a math function. If you press this button, a dialog box for choosing a report template appears.


  • WinDarab provides one template for each language it supports.
  • If two functions with the same name exist WinDarab will only use the first one.