Executing the Flow

State of a flow

The state of the flow is defined by current sample and working object or active link.


In any time of execution, there is only one working object or active link. The working object can use the current sample with some channel and/or information saved in variables and can save result in a variable or print it in output object. Depending on the result, the working object will select an active link. The task of active link is to select next working object and so on.

Important: If the working object cannot select a new active link then the current sample will be increased automatically and the last active link will be activated.

For example, you have a compare object with an input link, output link if comparison is true and no link if the comparison is false.

Then the input link will make the object work and suppose that for the current sample the MaxValue >= speed (i.e. False). Then, since there is no link to the False connector, the current sample will be incremented and the input link will be evaluated again. The result of this is: the output link will be reached when a sample for which the speed is bigger as the MaxValue appears.

The equivalent scheme is

Important: You should be careful when using no link feature. If it is used wrong then unexpected results are possible.


The execution of a flow for a single sample is an iteration. You can go to the next iteration by using a "NEXT" object. See also: Next Sample.

Important: Because the calculations can take much time especially if the range is about the whole file, they are made inside of a working thread. Pause and Stop button are enabled. Instead of waiting for them you are free to work with some other analysis windows.

**Important:**For online[Telmetry] files, calculations are started automatically after a new samples have been received.


Invalid entry

Before running a flow the application prepares some elements of the flow. For example locking used channels. If there is an element which cannot be prepared from the application (for example channel name which is not in current file) then a message appears and the setup of the element will be opened and the wrong parameter will have a light red background. The calculation will not start.

Endless loop

During execution of a flow the application checks if there is a progress of execution. Usually if the flow stays more than some time executing one sample then it is supposed that there is an endless loop and the calculation will stop. The supposed endless loop will be shown to the user.