Components and Regression Lines

Components are calculated based on the (x, y)-Plot data to find and visualize connected data samples. To analyze the data, the (x, y)-Plot is divided into a grid. First, the field containing the most samples is set as a starting field of a component. Starting from this field, the surrounding fields are analyzed. If a surrounding field contains more samples than a given threshold, the field is added to the component. Now the surrounding fields of the enlarged component are analyzed and maybe added. This step is repeated until there is no surrounding field with a high enough sample count to add to the component.
Now the next field with the highest sample count outside a previously found component is chosen to start a new component. A new component is being built from this. These steps are repeated until the last component is found.
The higher the sensitivity is set, the finer the grid will be. Also the sample count threshold rises with the sensitivity.
The count sets the maximum number of components. So if the maximum number of components is reached, no new component will be started.
After the components have been found, the regression lines are calculated for each component.