Working with XY-Plot Window


In the (x, y)-Plot window, the chosen (x, y)-Plots are shown as overlapping layers. Clicking on the window will show you a cross and the values of the selected dot can be seen in the surrounding axes.
You can zoom in an area of the window and see more details.
Zoom functions:
Press right mouse button and drag down or up. The marked area will be all x-values and only the y-values between the y-start drag and y-end drag values.
Press right mouse button and drag left or right. The marked area will be all y-values and only the x-values between the x-start drag and x-end drag values.
Press Shift-key and then drag a box with pressed right mouse button. The marked area will be x-values and y-values inside of the dragged box.



Zoom in

The picture will be zoomed in by a factor of 2 so the cross dot will stay unmoved.
To zoom in:

  • Double Click Left
  • Context Menu/Zoom in
  • Go to Start/Display/Zoom in

Zoom out

The picture will be zoomed out by a factor of 2 so the cross dot will stay unmoved.
To zoom out:

  • Double Click Right
  • Context Menu/Zoom out
  • Go to Start/Display/Zoom out

Show All

To show all dots:

  • Press A
  • Context Menu/Show All
  • Go to Start/Display/Show All

Additional Elements

There are components, regression lines, user lines and an InfoBox with the information about the files and lines. They are additional to the base picture. Additional elements can be hidden and shown from the menu or the toolbar.

Show Info

The InfoBox contains information about files and user lines. Information for every file consists from files ranges, correlation of the range and file regression lines. Information about file lines can be shown or hidden by using +/- in front of the file name. Every line has offset, gain and correlation.
To show info:

  • Press i
  • Context Menu/ShowInfo
  • Go to Start/Display/Show polynomial coefficients

Show Color Scale

Displays or hides the color scale for the selected (x,y) plot in the (x,y) window. This is only available in frequency or channel mode.
To show scale:

  • Press the s
  • Go to Start/Display/ShowScale

Background Image

Select and use an image for the background of your (x,y) plot.
To use a background image:

  • Go to Start/Background/Use Image


Shows/Hides the selected (x,y) plot (press h). You can adjust the transparency of the (x,y) plot by clicking on the drop down button and change the slider position or by using hotkeys (0-9) to set the transparency (0% - 90%).
To access the transparency slider:

  • Go to Start/Visibility/Transparency


Components are continuous regions with approximately the same density of dots.
To show components:

  • Press Ctrl+Space
  • Context Menu/Components

Regression Lines

Regression lines are calculated and they depend on calculated components. For every regression line there is a correlation.
To show the regression lines:

Press Space

Context Menu/Regression Line

Go to start/Clouds and polynomial fitting/Fit polynom

Show/Enable User Lines

User lines are free placeable lines that are inserted into a (x,y) plot by the user.
To show/enable user lines:

  • Press u
  • Context Menu/User Lines
  • Go to Start_User Lines/Show

Add User Lines

Adding a new user line is done by pressing Insert-key or “Insert line” from the menu. To add a user line, user lines must be showing. The inserted line is going through the (0, 0) and the cross point. A user line can be dragged using two small rectangles on the line.
To add a user line:

  • Press insert
  • Context Menu/Insert Line
  • Go to Start/User Lines/Insert


If the mouse cursor is near a line then the equation of the line will be shown in a small window. The information about the lines can be seen also in the InfoBox. You can select a line by clicking near to the line or by clicking in the InfoBox on some row with line information. If the line belongs to the component the component will be selected too.



Delete User Lines

You can delete the selected line and component.
To delete a selected user line:

  • Press delete
  • Context Menu/Remove Line
  • Go to Start/User Lines/Remove